China, a regime of terror
When Americans think about the greatest threat to the USA, names like Bin-Laden, Al-Zarqawi, and countries like North Korea, Syria, and Iran are the ones most often thought of.
While these terrorists and the countries mentioned are a threat, they are a much smaller threat to our country than China is.
China is using American dollars to build a military that will soon be the largest, and the most advanced in the world. AAnd with an army the size of our nations entire population, we have great cause to be concerned. Actually we should be frightened.
They are building a navy that will be soon be the worlds largest and will allow them to extend their power throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
In case you suck at geography, the Pacific is the ocean that the west coast of the USA is on.
If the Chinese government has no hesitation to kill anybody who dares to defy them within their borders, why should they stop at their borders when they become the reigning superpower in the world?
We contribute to Chinas military expansion by going to our favorite store and then buying just about anything on its shelves.
Think about it, you go and buy a cheap baseball hat that says, "I support our troops" thinking, "This will show that I care about the soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan." Unfortunately the label inside the hat says, "Made in China".
Lets follow the money, Okay?
Before we do, lets look where the money used to go. The money used to go to a company in America that was run by people just like you and me who paid their bills and raised their families in America.
Instead, a little goes to the shareholders of the favorite store who pays such a low wage its employees are on welfare so they can get medical coverage and food stamps to feed their families.
A little goes to the man who runs the factory in China. He pays his workers about two dollars a day if he is one of the generous managers, less if he isn't.
The workers live in barracks on the factory site. They will never earn enough to gain their freedom since their room and board is deducted from their salary.
The rest off the money goes to the government of China who owns at least 51% of every company within its borders. They use the money to Kill Christians and anybody else who would get in the way of their goals.
They use the money to build missiles, aircraft carriers and submarines to protect their interests.
We are trading the blood of our fathers that was spilled in World War Two for a few dollars savings on a cheap hat.
The amazing thing is that we can fight China AND make America stronger by spending more money on things made inside our borders. Every time I buy American made products, I'm helping to keep a few more of my neighbors employed.
So Who Is More Important?
Our Neighbors?
Or China's Navy?
I like my neighborhood.
My neighbors look out for my family and home.
When we get in trouble and need a hand, who comes to help?
Your neighbors or China?
Well, all great powers rise and fall...america, unfortunately, have become a fat, greedy, complacent country and it will fall. China is on the rise...not much that you can do about that...were the countries to go to war, China would win...China's next dynasty will be world wide...and there isn't really much that usa can do about that. Such is life.
A proud Canadian (with no Chinese heritage whatsoever)
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