Monday, April 11, 2005

Demand Oil In India And China Fuels U.S. Security Concerns

Increasing demand for oil in India and dollar rich China is creating security problems for the U.S. as it is forced to seek oil from sources with unstable governments.
In countries bordering the Caspian Sea, there is a growing extremist muslim element creating difficulties for oil companies. The U.S. government will spend 100 million dollars on security for the area. In countries on the western coast of Africa, the U.S. is facing massive levels of crime and corruption within the governments of the oil rich nations such as Nigeria and Gabon.
Chinas puchases of oil from countries such as Venezuela and Sudan add the additional difficulty of providing large sums of cash to nations that the U.S. currently has sanctions against. Needless to say, the sanctions have little effect when China is buying more and more oil from them.
America is shooting itself in the foot by continuing to buy products from China.
The very money we use to buy Chinese-made products is being used to purchase oil in increasing quantities by China. This is limiting the supply available to America.
So the next time you start to complain about the cost of gas, look and see where your clothes were made, or your TV, or your DVD player, etc.
If any of them say: Made in China, Shut up, you're part of the problem.
The information in this article was obtained from the Wall Street Journal.


Blogger tm said...

A lot of things go bizarre-o if we mess with China, though. For one thing, they're financing all of that deficit spending and debt we're racking up. They do it because so many of their exports are purchased by us, and the reason we're able to do it is because the dollar is strong. We certainly do need to do something about China, but it'll be prohibitively difficult unless our insane spending is brought under control.

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say that I agree with you on this. While it's true that Chinese authorities are buying up "American" oil, it is also true that many millions of ordinary Chinese people are suffering from poverty and malnutrition. The dictatorship over there takes advantage of this situation, and the only way that the people of China can be empowered to rise up against this oppressive regime is to experience a growing measure of prosperity in their lives.

Purchasing made-in-China products is a double-edged sword, with one edge being painful, but the other edge being helpful in the long run.

I'll continue to buy made-in-China products for that very reason.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

usa is typically crying foul because FINALLY someone else is taking away resources that the united states wants--because it's more important that the usa gets it's greedy quota (screw the rest of the world)...and the usa might have to face some hardships in dealing with the fact that economically, they are going down the toilet and they have expended most of their natural resources (oil, water and forests)...too bad for the usa...maybe it's time to face the fact that our potty-to-the-south (after all, we DO pay you to take our garbage from Toronto) might have to go hungry--it'll be good for their waist lines.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's america's demand for "stuff"--it's ridiculous consumption that is causing the problems for the usa. You have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES for your problems. China is free to buy oil from whomever she wants to. american bullying is just no longer being tolerated elsewhere in the world. It's time for the united states to learn it's place...the oil rich countries have their problems, but if the united states wants to buy oil, then they should be paying for security...tough luck! usa should be made to jump through whatever hoops the oil rich countries hold up. We happily sell you oil from our sands here in oil-rich Canada--you're lucky that you don't have to pay for high security costs here. Its gratifying to see the united states begging for the necessities from other countries and bitching when they don't get their way.

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happen to agree that it is the ridiculous levels of consumption that created the monster that China has and is becoming. Further, I agree that it's the selfishness that appears to be an inherent part of most Americans lives that creates the staggering levels of consumption.
Fortunately, with the rising fuel costs and real estate values plummeting, consumer spending is finally diminishing which in turn will diminish the volume of goods produced in China, which will diminish the demand for oil that has grown with the fortunes of China.
My suggestion is to go ahead and develop our ALL of oil resources, flood the market with it to collapse the market back to 18.00 barrel prices and require anyone who sells goods or services to us to offer American companies the same terms for export into their countries as we do for their exports to America. If they refuse, go to another country that will.
OR, let's merge our country with canada and mexico, nationalize all natural resources and drink Vodka all day instead of working.
Hey wait a minute! Didn't some other country try something like that before and it failed miserably?
Wait, I know! Let's ask the really smart canadian paramedics who should be running the world for an answer, then we'll all be saved!!!

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a most excellent idea...I could certainly handle things better than bush...he's such a smart cookie! And to show how smart the rest of the usa is, you voted that git into office TWICE! I believe bush said it best: "fool me once...same me, ya can't get fooled again!" Well, I think that the united states people have proven that they CAN get fooled again....and again..........and again...

By the way, how is the peaceful co-existance of people and fish goin?

"you can't take the high horse and then claim the low road"

There's no doubt in my mind....we will fail"

Before I go, I invite you to "watch this drive."

George Bush, what a champion!!!!!

9:14 AM  

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