Saturday, March 17, 2007

Here Is A Reminder Of Who We Face

It appears that our nation has fallen asleep again.
As terrible as this picture is, the thoughts behind it are even worse-
This man is a childs dad and some mothers son.
He lept because the flames caused by the plane were searing his lungs and he was faced with only two choices- Burn or Jump.
In 2004, my son who was 11 at the time and I traveled from Northern California to Ground Zero. I was required to travel to NYC on a business trip and brought him with me to see The City.
When I asked what he most wanted to do while visiting, he surprised me by asking to go to Ground Zero so he could pray for all of the kids who had lost their parents on 9/11.
As touching as that is, it is even more saddening, 11 year old boys normally are more interested in hot wheels and I-Pods...not the parents of orphaned children.
What do we do to stop this?
Lest we forget, there is a people whom have sworn to wipe us off of the face of the Earth.
They struck on 9/11/01 and they will do so again if given the opportunity.
America appears to be preparing to present that opportunity.
To leave Iraq is to invite our enemies into our backyard.
The frightening thing is that the gate to our backyard has been left wide open.
(For those of you who missed the similie- I mean our border with Mexico)
Why it is left open is a subject for another post...
What matters is that America is acting like a loud, lazy schoolyard bully.
When it suits us, we fight. when it requires sacrifice, we complain.
America needs Men who will fight to restore the values that USED to define her:
Liberty, Freedom, Integrity, Charity, Courage.
It appears that our present values are somewhat less noble:
Wealth, Self-Indulgence, Leisure, Hedonism, Narcissim.
With values like those, why fight?
Is it to enrich the few?
Is it to protect the many?
Based upon what I see every day, our culture has become so corrupt and selfseeking, it makes me wonder where the America went that I was raised in?
Can we ever return to an age where we believe that virtue is to be esteemed and strived for?
You tell me.....



Blogger alex said...

Te wing! he cried, highly incensed, vat I pe alprazolam do mit te wing? Mein Gott! do you take me for a shicken? No--oh, no! I replied, much alarmed; you are no chicken--certainly not.. The pretty daughter's eyes twinkled, and he penicillin thought he caught a swift, direct gleam from under the long lashes--but he was not sure.. At that time I had made up my mind, from the material furnished by her analysis, that something of significance thyroid for her illness must have occurred at a certain time in her life.. I do not know how long I looked, but I had, apparently, no power, as I valtrex had no will, to remove the spectacles.. Her attire was strange; whereas a woman's garb is usually groomed to the last fold, she had one of her stockings hanging down and two of her waist buttons opened. seroquel. Miss Lydia sat immovable, not daring to glance toward her calcium father.. He nodded familiarly to people metformin as he met them, and saw not the look of amusement which succeeded astonishment upon the various faces.. But, properly speaking, all dreams may claim ultram this designation.. Beyond these four activities calcium there is nothing else to be discovered in the dream work.. Consequently there are two protonix kinds of unconscious, which we do not as yet find distinguished by the psychologists.. Ah! here comes the man boniva that was sent to Mrs.. Elder Brown did not turn aspirin his head, but merely let the whip hand, which had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered mechanically.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw norco that I intended to make no reply.. that every dream analysis shows an interweaving of keflex a recent impression, and that this recent element is frequently of the most indifferent character.. And again, because singulair Mr...

4:55 AM  
Blogger alex said...

Te wing! he cried, highly incensed, vat I pe bentyl do mit te wing? Mein Gott! do you take me for a shicken? No--oh, no! I replied, much alarmed; you are no chicken--certainly not.. The pretty daughter's eyes twinkled, and he insulin thought he caught a swift, direct gleam from under the long lashes--but he was not sure.. At that time I had made up my mind, from the material furnished by her analysis, that something of significance citalopram for her illness must have occurred at a certain time in her life.. I do not know how long I looked, but I had, apparently, no power, as I valtrex had no will, to remove the spectacles.. Her attire was strange; whereas a woman's garb is usually groomed to the last fold, she had one of her stockings hanging down and two of her waist buttons opened. flonase. Miss Lydia sat immovable, not daring to glance toward her pseudoephedrine father.. He nodded familiarly to people phentermine as he met them, and saw not the look of amusement which succeeded astonishment upon the various faces.. But, properly speaking, all dreams may claim allegra this designation.. Beyond these four activities insulin there is nothing else to be discovered in the dream work.. Consequently there are two prozac kinds of unconscious, which we do not as yet find distinguished by the psychologists.. Ah! here comes the man cialis that was sent to Mrs.. Elder Brown did not turn lorazepam his head, but merely let the whip hand, which had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered mechanically.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw boniva that I intended to make no reply.. that every dream analysis shows an interweaving of phentermine a recent impression, and that this recent element is frequently of the most indifferent character.. And again, because hydrocodone Mr...

2:13 PM  
Blogger alex said...

Te wing! he cried, highly incensed, vat I pe carisoprodol do mit te wing? Mein Gott! do you take me for a shicken? No--oh, no! I replied, much alarmed; you are no chicken--certainly not.. The pretty daughter's eyes twinkled, and he oxycontin thought he caught a swift, direct gleam from under the long lashes--but he was not sure.. At that time I had made up my mind, from the material furnished by her analysis, that something of significance prevacid for her illness must have occurred at a certain time in her life.. I do not know how long I looked, but I had, apparently, no power, as I valium had no will, to remove the spectacles.. Her attire was strange; whereas a woman's garb is usually groomed to the last fold, she had one of her stockings hanging down and two of her waist buttons opened. augmentin. Miss Lydia sat immovable, not daring to glance toward her viagra father.. He nodded familiarly to people cialis as he met them, and saw not the look of amusement which succeeded astonishment upon the various faces.. But, properly speaking, all dreams may claim celexa this designation.. Beyond these four activities aspirin there is nothing else to be discovered in the dream work.. Consequently there are two lamictal kinds of unconscious, which we do not as yet find distinguished by the psychologists.. Ah! here comes the man mobic that was sent to Mrs.. Elder Brown did not turn lithium his head, but merely let the whip hand, which had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered mechanically.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw ambien that I intended to make no reply.. that every dream analysis shows an interweaving of zoloft a recent impression, and that this recent element is frequently of the most indifferent character.. And again, because carisoprodol Mr...

7:30 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The missing element in every human 'solution' is
an accurate definition of the creature.

The way we define 'human' determines our view of self,
others, relationships, institutions, life, and future. Many
problems in human experience are the result of false
and inaccurate definitions of humankind premised
in man-made religions and humanistic philosophies.

Human knowledge is a fraction of the whole universe.
The balance is a vast void of human ignorance. Human
reason cannot fully function in such a void; thus, the
intellect can rise no higher than the criteria by which it
perceives and measures values.

Humanism makes man his own standard of measure.
However, as with all measuring systems, a standard
must be greater than the value measured. Based on
preponderant ignorance and an egocentric carnal
nature, humanism demotes reason to the simpleton
task of excuse-making in behalf of the rule of appe-
tites, desires, feelings, emotions, and glands.

Because man, hobbled in an ego-centric predicament,
cannot invent criteria greater than himself, the humanist
lacks a predictive capability. Without instinct or trans-
cendent criteria, humanism cannot evaluate options with
foresight and vision for progression and survival. Lack-
ing foresight, man is blind to potential consequence and
is unwittingly committed to mediocrity, collectivism,
averages, and regression - and worse. Humanism is an
unworthy worship.

The void of human ignorance can easily be filled with
a functional faith while not-so-patiently awaiting the
foot-dragging growth of human knowledge and behav-
ior. Faith, initiated by the Creator and revealed and
validated in His Word, the Bible, brings a transcend-
ent standard to man the choice-maker. Other philo-
sophies and religions are man-made, humanism, and
thereby lack what only the Bible has:

1.Transcendent Criteria and
2.Fulfilled Prophetic Validation.

The vision of faith in God and His Word is survival
equipment for today and the future. Only the Creator,
who made us in His own image, is qualified to define
us accurately.

Human is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by
nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of
Criteria. Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive
characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural
foundation of his environments, institutions, and re-
spectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is orien-
ted to a Freedom whose roots are in the Order of the
universe. selah

That human institution which is structured on the
principle, "...all men are endowed by their Creator with
...Liberty...," is a system with its roots in the natural
Order of the universe. The opponents of such a system are
necessarily engaged in a losing contest with nature and
nature's God. Biblical principles are still today the
foundation under Western Civilization and the American
way of life. To the advent of a new season we commend the
present generation and the "multitudes in the valley of

Let us proclaim it. Behold!
The Season of Generation-Choicemaker Joel 3:14 KJV

semper fidelis
vincit veritas

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The delay was pleasant, with its opportunity for drowsy sunning, its relief from the grimy monotony of travel.. 71 footnote, Professor Freud remarks that the finest example of dream interpretation left us by the ancients is based upon a pun (from The Interpretation of Dreams, by Artemidorus Daldianus).. So he set there a good while thinking and thinking to his-self, and then he got the frog out and prized his mouth open and took a teaspoon and filled him full of quail shot--filled! him pretty near up to his chin--and set him on the floor.. Your health, sir, courteously proposed Mr.. Again the laughter arose everywhere--even the fair plaintiff herself sat convulsed behind her handkerchief.. Who could tell what might or might not happen? III When the stage drew up in front of the little hotel, it found Uncle Billy Tutt prepared for his revenge.. I shall pick out one of the constellations leading to the formation of dreams.. There was only one small boat anchored near the beach, and a man--apparently a fisherman--informed Mr.. Or is willing to, added Sister Maria Cartridge, a spinster still possessing faith, hope, and charity, notwithstanding she had been on the waiting list a long time.. Ralph was delighted to find that a thaw had set in, and he made one more attempt to establish at least a proxy acquaintance.. I launched him by sending him to a meeting of the Enlightenment Board.. And if you cannot conveniently invite company to meet them, tell them at once that you will not insist on their keeping their engagement with you if anything offers afterwards that they think they would prefer; provided only that they apprize you in time of the change in their plan.. May I ask to whom you are engaged this evening? Perhaps I know the lady--if so, I should be very much tempted to go and beg you from her.. On returning to the hotel, with the intention after an hour or two of rest to go out again, and walk till near dinner-time, they found waiting them a note from Mrs. Buller joyfully returned to his boat with the intelligence that they were not to wait for the canal-boats.. Podington looked at his friend.. I reckoned I'd bring Hiram round with me, said the young lady, lifting her searching eyes, after a pause, to the Colonel's, though he was awful shy, and allowed that you didn't know him from Adam--or even suspected his existence.. Their dreams are generally full of the most indifferent and bizarre matter, and no trace of the realization of the wish is to be found in their content.. Thirdly, these dreams where repression exists, but without or with but slight concealment. There will be found no factor in the dream whence the chains of associations do not lead in two or more directions, no scene which has not been pieced together out of two or more impressions and events...

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

9:37 PM  

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