U.S. Unions, Government Assist China's Military
Perhaps you may have noticed a recurring theme on this blog:
Americans can improve and protect our future if we are willing to spend a little more to avoid purchasing goods made in China.
The downside to this premise is that currently the state and federal governments are so consumed with 'protecting' the U.S. worker a climate exists where business owners would be ill advised to employ Americans instead of importing their goods or outsourcing their services.
When trade unions like the AFL-CIO and its like are added to the business climate, an environment exists that is lethal to bringing jobs back to the U.S.
I am being unrealistic to expect business owners to hire american workers when thay are unable to protect the health of their business due to regulation and union meddling.
Here is an example of the insanity and the disregard that trade union's show for their workers future:
When I was a mere lad of 18, I was hired by Boeing's Construction division through a teamsters union hall in Northern California. My job was to ride around on an ATV at NIGHT to look for 'lost' or misplaced pieces of steel beams needed for the construction of the project we were working on.
Once I finished finding the steel, I was told to just drive around at night until they found something else for me to do.
They eventually did, I was promoted to opening wood crates to make sure the numbers on the items inside matched the numbers on the crates I opened. Also, I was not allowed to pick up a broom and clean up the mess I made when I opened the crates, that was another union's job....
I was paid $20.58 per hour to do this job. In 1980.
Interestingly enough, my non-union supervisor was paid $10.00 per hour...
Don't get me wrong, I was glad to be paid so handsomely for a job that Rain Man could have done, but even then in my self absorbed, young adult testosterone flooded male brain, I thought that I was being just a tad bit overpaid. I also wondered how any company could afford to pay a village idiot like myself to do a job that should have paid minimum wage.
I felt that America's future in manufacturing was in jeopardy if policies continued such as the one I just mentioned. When I voiced these thoughts to my co-workers they were to put it mildly, aghast...(I use this adjective only because this is a family-friendly blog.)
My overpaid position was a direct result of a company being forced to hire Union labor for ALL positions outside of their office trailer. Until unions change, we are never going to get American jobs back.
On top of that, we have regulations for employment that had to be dreamed up by people smoking dope out of a very large bong.
For instance, an employer who sells printing to churches can not terminate an employee only because HE decided to start wearing summer dresses and pumps during HIS working hours.
This would be denying the bearded 'transgender'' his 'right' to employment.
Unfortunately, it also kills any chance of the printer succeeding in gaining business from his targeted customers due to the fact that his clients tend to be more conservative and find his salesperson's lifestyle repugnant.
But as far as the government is concerned, that's beside the point...
If the employer fires the bearded transgender, he would likely be sued for wrongful termination.
So isn't it in the printers best interest to not hire anyone and to outsource whenever possible to avoid the possible litigation? To do otherwise would be detrimental to his survival.
Americans must press for real changes in the regulation of employers and the unions place in business before the U.S.A. can begin reclaiming its jobs lost to other countries. We allow this problem to continue by allowing our legislators to remain in their elected positions and permitting activist judges to pursue their anti-jobs anti-American agendas.
Americans can improve and protect our future if we are willing to spend a little more to avoid purchasing goods made in China.
The downside to this premise is that currently the state and federal governments are so consumed with 'protecting' the U.S. worker a climate exists where business owners would be ill advised to employ Americans instead of importing their goods or outsourcing their services.
When trade unions like the AFL-CIO and its like are added to the business climate, an environment exists that is lethal to bringing jobs back to the U.S.
I am being unrealistic to expect business owners to hire american workers when thay are unable to protect the health of their business due to regulation and union meddling.
Here is an example of the insanity and the disregard that trade union's show for their workers future:
When I was a mere lad of 18, I was hired by Boeing's Construction division through a teamsters union hall in Northern California. My job was to ride around on an ATV at NIGHT to look for 'lost' or misplaced pieces of steel beams needed for the construction of the project we were working on.
Once I finished finding the steel, I was told to just drive around at night until they found something else for me to do.
They eventually did, I was promoted to opening wood crates to make sure the numbers on the items inside matched the numbers on the crates I opened. Also, I was not allowed to pick up a broom and clean up the mess I made when I opened the crates, that was another union's job....
I was paid $20.58 per hour to do this job. In 1980.
Interestingly enough, my non-union supervisor was paid $10.00 per hour...
Don't get me wrong, I was glad to be paid so handsomely for a job that Rain Man could have done, but even then in my self absorbed, young adult testosterone flooded male brain, I thought that I was being just a tad bit overpaid. I also wondered how any company could afford to pay a village idiot like myself to do a job that should have paid minimum wage.
I felt that America's future in manufacturing was in jeopardy if policies continued such as the one I just mentioned. When I voiced these thoughts to my co-workers they were to put it mildly, aghast...(I use this adjective only because this is a family-friendly blog.)
My overpaid position was a direct result of a company being forced to hire Union labor for ALL positions outside of their office trailer. Until unions change, we are never going to get American jobs back.
On top of that, we have regulations for employment that had to be dreamed up by people smoking dope out of a very large bong.
For instance, an employer who sells printing to churches can not terminate an employee only because HE decided to start wearing summer dresses and pumps during HIS working hours.
This would be denying the bearded 'transgender'' his 'right' to employment.
Unfortunately, it also kills any chance of the printer succeeding in gaining business from his targeted customers due to the fact that his clients tend to be more conservative and find his salesperson's lifestyle repugnant.
But as far as the government is concerned, that's beside the point...
If the employer fires the bearded transgender, he would likely be sued for wrongful termination.
So isn't it in the printers best interest to not hire anyone and to outsource whenever possible to avoid the possible litigation? To do otherwise would be detrimental to his survival.