You Remember This!!!
I have been listening to many Americans who whine and complain about how we have no business in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter.
I direct your attention to the photo above. It shows three Americans falling to their deaths on 9-11. They left home that morning and said goodbye to their kids for the last time because a group of people have decided that America is the greatest evil on this planet and needs to be wiped out.
I agree that there are many things in America that are evil, but none of them warrant an attack on innocent people.
I kept photos like this to remind me why our soldiers are over in Afghanistan and Iraq.
If we are over there killing them, they are not over here.
That is an excellent strategy as far as I'm concerned.
Our Troops deserve our respect, our prayers, and our support.
I live in a town near Sacramento, California. Recently, a couple hung an effigy of a soldier by the neck from the roof of their house.
I am sickened by the fact that excrement like that dares to refer to themselves as Americans.
If only they knew how lucky they are to live in a country where such dissent is permitted. A part of me wishes they were in Iran, when such an act would result in their being beheaded. But I am an American and we believe in Freedom. Even if it includes displays of such sick and disgusting opinions as those of the couple who hung an effigy of one of our soldiers. They have a right to express their opinion.
Fortunately, most Americans disagree with them.
The majority of Americans believe in the great work being accomplished in Afghanistan and Iraq by our soldiers.
We salute you.
Semper Fi